Pub/sub with gproc vs GenEvent in elixir
February 17, 2016
The library gproc was recently recommended to me for registering processes in my elixir app. While I was researching the library I came across this in the readme:
An interesting application of gproc is building publish/subscribe patterns.
subscribe(EventType) ->
%% Gproc notation: {p, l, Name} means {(p)roperty, (l)ocal, Name}
gproc:reg({p, l, {?MODULE, EventType}}).
notify(EventType, Msg) ->
Key = {?MODULE, EventType},
gproc:send({p, l, Key}, {self(), Key, Msg}).>
While doing some further research I came across a blog post with an elixir example. These peaked my interest and got me thinking about using gproc
for pub/sub in a project, instead of GenEvent
Below is an example of a bare-bones implementation using GenEvent
similar to how I’ve been using it in projects. Then a comparable example using gproc
Example GenEvent
# supervisor.ex
defmodule EventSup do
use Supervisor
def start_link, do: Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], [])
def init(_) do
worker(GenEvent, [[name: :event_manager]], [id: :event_manager]),
worker(EventMonitor, [:event_manager])
[strategy: :one_for_one]
# event_monitor.ex
defmodule EventMonitor do
use GenServer
def start_link(mgr), do: GenServer.start(__MODULE__, [mgr], [])
def init(mgr) do
:ok = add_handler(mgr)
{:ok, mgr}
def handle_info({:gen_event_EXIT, _handler, _reason}, mgr) do
:ok = add_handler(mgr)
{:noreply, mgr}
def add_handler(mgr) do
GenEvent.add_mon_handler(mgr, EventHandler, [])
# event_handler.ex
defmodule EventHandler do
use GenEvent
require Logger
def init(_), do: {:ok, {}}
def handle_event(event, state) do "received event #{inspect event}"
{:ok, state}
# send event
iex>GenEvent.notify(:event_manager, {:event, "stuff"})
Example gproc
pub/sub equivalent
# supervisor.ex
defmodule EventSup do
use Supervisor
def start_link, do: Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], [])
def init(_) do
worker(EventHandler, [:event_manager])
[strategy: :one_for_one]
# event_handler.ex
defmodule EventHandler do
use GenServer
require Logger
def start_link(topic), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, topic, [])
def init(topic) do
:gproc.reg({:p, :l, topic})
{:ok, topic}
def handle_info(msg, topic) do "received message #{inspect msg}"
{:noreply, topic}
# send message
iex>:gproc.send({:p, :l, :event_manager}, {:message, "stuff"})
Between these two I’m favoring gproc
. Only needing to add one GenServer
to my supervision tree to receive events from another module or OTP application is really nice. The ability to register more than just atoms as property names is good too. I’m not crazy about the api, but I could easily wrap that if I’m going to be using throughout a large project.
I’m not totally sold on gproc
just yet though. I still have some other pub/sub solutions to research. I found elixir_pubsub and erlbus. Which could both fit the same use case.
There is also the Phoenix.PubSub now that its being broken out into a separate module. This is the option I’m most interested in as it matures with the next version of Phoenix.